Friday, February 17, 2012

SD boy Plugs His friend, Fearing Future Repeated

Sad, when the 13-year-old elementary school students dare to murder her friend because when going to get caught stealing a mobile phone. More surprisingly, the offender is actually the initials A showed no fear while police secured.

As if in disbelief to see elementary school students can behave that way. Forensic psychologist from the University of Bina Nusantara, Reza Indragiri Amriel rate, the earlier a person committing a crime the more likely he is to repeat the same crime without fear.

"That's what we worry about, even he could repeat with a heavier weight," Reza said while talking to AFP on Saturday (18/02/2012).

Reza added that students' behavior shows that he has anger management is bad extraordinary. Verbal violence also appears to be commonly used in solving family problems.

"The impact to him, his anger is explosive," he said.

Learning in everyday life, Reza also believes students have a poor performance. It is not possible anyway, he also often rebel against the direction of his teacher.

Corresponding law, minors who commit acts of law will be returned to the family in order to get proper care. However, according to Reza, the problem is not just finish it at that.

"Because semujarab what that behavior can be changed if in its early age is very brave like that," added the man was wearing glasses.

He suggested, though returned to the family, there should be the role of other agencies that monitor. Does the child have a change or just do not get any change.

"How good are returned to the family but also commissioned to do sepervisi social services to children and families and provide monitoring results to the court once a week. During this time the family returned but no one to supervise. Although not necessarily effective, but this does not hurt to try , "he said.

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