Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Al Qaeda Admits Being Behind Baghdad Bombings

Bom di Irak (Foto: Reuters)
Group Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for a series of attacks that rocked Baghdad, Iraq, on Thursday, December 23 last. In this incident 69 people were killed.

In a statement issued in an Al Qaeda propaganda websites, they make sure the attack was aimed at providing support to the Sunni Muslims who were detained by the government.

In addition, Al Qaeda also paid tribute to other Sunni Muslims who were executed by the Iraqi government.

As reported by the Associated Press, Tuesday (27/12/2011), a chain attack was intended to target a market, grocery stores, and government buildings are located at the site Shia Muslims.

This incident proves that the stiff opposition of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a Shiite Muslim of the Sunni Muslim presence.

Iraqi police and security forces claimed more than 10 explosions occurred in Baghdad, most of the blasts targeted to areas inhabited by Shia Muslims. In addition to killing 69 people were killed, 217 injured.

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