Friday, February 10, 2012

Chronology Chief Brigadier Dodik Setiawan Shooting Himself

Brigadier Dodik Setiawan was found dead at his workplace in Banyuwangi yesterday. When the event occurs, Dodik was serving with Brigadier Brigadier and Brigadier Arif Sugihandono Kurniawan.
The atmosphere at Coast Guard Sector Police Office and the Port (KP3) Banyuwangi Police on Wednesday (02.08.2012), the evening was calm. In the space of three non-commissioned officers guard looks on guard.
They are Brigadier Dodik Setiawan, Brigadier Brigadier Arif Sugihandono Kurniawan and whose turn it is to oversee port security guard that afternoon. Nothing unusual at the time, except Dodik who looks nervous.
But no one knows what is troubling him 32 this year. At 16:30 pm, Dodik cell phone rang and he was involved in a serious conversation. A moment later, he left his seat and walked back to the intel. Presumably he did not want to know the other person talks. While Arif and Sugihandono not move from its original place.
Not long ago, the sudden sound of gunfire. Sugihandono reflex was turned in the direction of the sound. From where he sat, he could see his partner, Dodik, sat slumped with the body tilted to the right. His head was stuck on the table. From his temple dripping fresh blood visible after a bullet weapon. Dodik was killed instantly.
That is the chronology of the death of such an outstanding Dodik Setiawan via BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) among the police who later arrived at the hands of reporters. Fuel it with photos that droop Dodik in his seat.

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